All of these turntables will play back in at least 33⅓ and 45 RPM.
- Audio-Technica ATLP1240USBXP
- I currently own this turntable. What sold it for me was a lower flutter-and-wow rate than most other similarly priced units. I’ve been quite happy with it.
- Direct drive
- Can play up 78 RPM and has a manual speed adjust to make it play back slightly slower or faster
- Multiple stop/start buttons and a “reverse” button
- Adjustable counterweight, antiskate, and tonearm height
- Removable platter target light
- Built-in switchable pre-amp with USB connectivity
- Can control how fast the platter spins up and stops
- Fully manual
- Non-hinged dust cover
- Comes with Audio-Technica AT-XP5 cartridge
- Audio-Technica AT-LP120XUSB-BK
- I used to own an older model LP120 and was happy with it; this version is actually improved over what I had.
- Direct drive
- Can play up to 78 RPM and has a manual speed adjust to make it play back slightly slower or faster
- Adjustable counterweight, antiskate, and tonearm height
- Platter target light
- Built-in switchable pre-amp with USB connectivity
- Fully manual
- Hinged dust cover
- Comes with Audio-Technica AT-VM95E cartridge
- Available in different colors (priced differently)
- Audio-Technica AT-LP60X-BK
- While I never owned any of the LP60 series turntables, I have several friends who have sung its praises. I have personally tried one in the past and feel that for its relatively low price, it’s a solid product with really good sound.
- Belt drive
- Fully automatic
- Hinged dust cover
- Lightweight
- Bluetooth and wired speaker connectivity
- Technics SL-1200MK7
- If money is no object and playback quality is very important to you, this is the one to get.
- Direct drive
- Manual
- Plays up to 78rpm
- Adjustable tonearm height, antiskate, and counterweight